20210525-merseth-200xHarvard Professor Katherine K. Merseth, Senior Lecturer, Graduate School of Education:

The Dilemma of Equity and Excellence in K12 AMERICAN EDUCATION

With Harvard Clubs of the Great Lakes

Professor Merseth’s work has concentrated on charter schools, teacher education, mathematics education, and the case-method of instruction. Her books include Windows on Teaching Mathematics: Cases of Secondary Mathematics Classrooms, Cases in Educational Administration, and Inside Urban Charter Schools. At Harvard, she founded the Harvard Children’s Initiative, a university-wide program focusing on the needs of children as well as the School Leadership and the Teacher Education Programs at the School of Education. She also designed the new Harvard Teacher Fellows Program, offering Harvard College Seniors an innovative path to teach underserved students. Professor Merseth’s course, Dilemmas of Excellence and Equity in K-12 American Schools, was ranked as one of the most popular courses in the College with over 400 students wishing to enroll in the course each term. In 2017 she was named as one of 15 outstanding Professors across Harvard University, and in the spring of 2018, she was awarded the Phi Beta Kappa Prize for teaching.

As many students and teachers return to school, issues in equity and excellence in education are at the forefront of public discourse, and we look forward to hearing Professor Merseth’s expertise and sharing our questions.




Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Time: 12:00 - 1:00pm CENTRAL

Harvard Alums & HCC Members: Complimentary
General Public: $20



Harvard Club office:

Phone:  1-847-256-1211
