Virtual Meeting & Harvard Connection

Jonathan Byrnes, DBA80

Part 2 Coronavirus Series - Strategies to Strengthen Your Profit Core

Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Time: 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Location: VIRTUAL

Click here for more information and to register at the HBSCC website.

The Harvard Business School Club of Chicago invites you to attend a webinar. The presenter will be MIT Senior Lecturer Jonathan Byrnes, DBA80. The topic will be Part 2 Coronavirus Series - Strategies to Strengthen Your Profit Core

Jonathan Byrnes will discuss how downsizing is one of the most important factors that can either weaken or strengthen your company – both during the crisis and for years after – depending on how you do it.

Downsizing is one of the most important factors that can either weaken or strengthen your company – both during the crisis and for years after – depending on how you do it. To succeed, managers need to use different rules to make these decisions – rules which will enable them to be successful in the waves of economic disruption that will continue to flow throughout our economy for at least the next six to twelve months, and for the prolonged readjustment period that follows.


20200414-byrnes-200xJonathan L.S. Byrnes, DBA80, is Senior Lecturer at MIT, where he has taught at the graduate level and in executive programs for thirty years. He is the author of Islands of Profit in a Sea of Red Ink, which named to its 2010 list of Best Books for Business Owners. He is co-author of the forthcoming book, Choose your Customers: How to Compete Against the Digital Giants and Thrive.
He is Past President of the Harvard Alumni Association; he served for four years on the Harvard Business School Alumni Board, for two years on Harvard’s Committee on Shareholder Responsibility, and for six years on the Board of Directors of Harvard Magazine.


Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Time: 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Location: VIRTUAL

Cost: $10-20

HCC members who have paid the +$10 fee to HBSCC may register for the event at Member price: $10
HCC members who have NOT paid the +$10 fee to HBSCC may register at Non-Member price: $20
To pay the $10 HBSCC fee & save $20 on the event price, please call the Club Office (847-256-1211)

Click here for more information and to register at the HBSCC website.


Harvard Club office:

Tel:  1-847-256-1211
