Harvard Connection - Jonathan Byrnes, DBA80

Part 3 Coronavirus Series - How to Manage Your Supply Chain Shock Waves

Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Time: 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Location: VIRTUAL

Click here for more information and to register at the HBSCC website.

The Harvard Business School Club of Chicago invites you to attend a webinar. The presenter will be MIT Senior Lecturer Jonathan Byrnes, DBA80. The topic will be Part 3 Coronavirus Series - How to Manage Your Supply Chain Shock Waves. 

Jonathan Byrnes will discuss how supply chains throughout our economy will experience volatile shock waves of product supply and demand over the next year or more.

Supply chains throughout our economy will experience volatile shock waves of product supply and demand over the next year or more. Most companies’ automated supply chain systems are not capable of handling this level of volatility, and machine learning – AI based systems are not trained on this new and very different order and replenishment pattern. This will create chaos in both customer fulfillment and supplier replenishment unless managers adapt a completely different way of managing their supply chains.


20200414-byrnes-200xJonathan L.S. Byrnes, DBA80, is Senior Lecturer at MIT, where he has taught at the graduate level and in executive programs for thirty years. He is the author of Islands of Profit in a Sea of Red Ink, which Inc.com named to its 2010 list of Best Books for Business Owners. He is co-author of the forthcoming book, Choose your Customers: How to Compete Against the Digital Giants and Thrive.
He is Past President of the Harvard Alumni Association; he served for four years on the Harvard Business School Alumni Board, for two years on Harvard’s Committee on Shareholder Responsibility, and for six years on the Board of Directors of Harvard Magazine.


Date: Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Time: 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Location: VIRTUAL

Cost: $10-20

HCC members who have paid the +$10 fee to HBSCC may register for the event at Member price: $10
HCC members who have NOT paid the +$10 fee to HBSCC may register at Non-Member price: $20
To pay the $10 HBSCC fee & save $20 on the event price, please call the Club Office (847-256-1211)

Click here for more information and to register at the HBSCC website.


Harvard Club office:

Tel:  1-847-256-1211

Email:  office@harvardclubchicago.org