20201124-tom-and-susanLifting People Up: At Work And At Home

HBSCC Leadership Series: Fireside Chat with Innovation, Leadership and Family Experts, Tom and Dr. Susan Smith Kuczmarski


The COVID situation has caused everything to radically change.  Now, work and home are blended. How do you manage this new “normal”? The Kuczmarskis will use three constructs from three of their books to discuss how to motivate the workplace teams and create happy families.

Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Time: 5:00 - 6:00 pm


Whether it be at home, work, or school, we have had to change the way we do just about everything over the past several months. The need for innovative problem solving is greater than ever, and it affects each of us on an individual level both professionally and personally. In this session, professors, authors, and parents Tom and Dr. Susan Smith Kuczmarski will weave together lessons from their twelve published books on innovation, leadership, and parenting to discuss how organizations and families can adapt to and overcome unexpected challenges by creating workplace and familial cultures of respect, open-mindedness, trust, inclusion, and innovation.

You will learn how to:

  • Juggle work, school, and family at home
  • Build, bond, and energize teams and families
  • Cultivate employees and nurture families by activating six motivational tools
  • Use “peopleship” as leadership and parenting style

Find out more at: www.kuczmarski.com and www.sacredflight.com


20201124-susan-smith-k-200xDr. Susan Smith Kuczmarski is an authority on values-based leadership and the contemporary family. Trained as a cultural anthropologist, she has done extensive research on how leadership skills are learned. She has taught at 10 universities, including Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management.

She is the author of six award-winning books, including Becoming A Happy Family: Pathways to the Family Soul, The Sacred Flight of the Teenager: A Parent’s Guide to Stepping Back and Letting Go, and The Family Bond. She and her husband, Tom Kuczmarski, are the co-founders of Kuczmarski Innovation, an internationally recognized innovation management consulting firm. They have co-authored three books, Lifting People Up: The Power of Recognition, Apples Are Square: Thinking Differently About Leadership, and Values-Based Leadership. She holds a Doctorate in Education and two master's degrees from Columbia University in New York City, where she was named an International Fellow, and has been listed in Who's Who in the World for 12 years. View her FAMILY HAPPINESS VIDEO


20201124-tom-200xThomas Kuczmarski is President and Founder of Kuczmarski Innovation, a nationally recognized new products and services and innovation management consulting firm. He holds two master’s degrees in business and international affairs from Columbia University. He is regularly quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Newsweek, Investor's Business Daily, USA Today, Advertising Age, and the Chicago Sun-Times. He speaks on the topic of innovation around the world. His research, writing, books, speeches, seminars, teaching, and pragmatic consulting have made him one of the top leading experts in the field of innovation, new products and services development.

He has written eight books on leadership and innovation, including Rising Together: The Story of Chicago’s Innovation Ecosystem, Innovating Chicago–Style, Managing New Products, Innovation, and Innovating the Corporation. He co-founded, with the Chicago Sun-Times, the annual Chicago Innovation Awards. For the past 40 years, he has been an adjunct professor at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management, where he now teaches executive courses on innovation. He was a brand manager at Quaker Oats and a principal at Booz, Allen & Hamilton.


Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Time: 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Location: VIRTUAL

Cost: HCC Members: Complimentary

Non Members $10



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